domingo, 30 de octubre de 2016

Starting a new book

I started a new book, one very popular in fact, I started reading The Fault in our stars by John Green. Thes famous book talks about a very tragic story I have only read few pages. The pages I have read talk about a seventeen year old named Hazel Grace who is saddly dying of Cancer. In the early pages Hazel met a boy who she quickly get interested in , both get interested actually, this boys name is Augusts Waters. Hazel wears a breathing mask so she can breathe properly due to her mortal sickness

"She is beautiful, Augusts thought, with that breathing mask and everything" I really liked these quote because explains Augusts instant feeling towards Hazel. Also I liked these quote because I think its a start for a love it lasts for as a guess i say the entire book. "She had to take a portable oxygen tank everywhere she went". I chose these quote because of explains the gravity of Hazel's sickness, that by the way it is very sad.

I liked a lot this intoridctiin for the book because ot give very clearly the concept of the book. The concept in my guessing is love. Also the book has not even started totally and I can already feel the feelings amd suffering. I have really liked the book and I am anxious to kkep reading it

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